23 Jan Enthusiastic volunteers
We are a new organization. And as such, we need funds to get started to make the change the communities and GGG are after. But we have great volunteers. They are so excited about the program, that they have already started working. They are already working on getting the Go Girl groups together. This means selecting girls which are both in and out of school, girls that are extremely talented or girls that are at risk of dropping out. In each group, we have about 30 girls. For now, we are getting them together bi-weekly to discuss girl stuff and support of their peers. But when the project officially starts, the meetings will be held weekly. And we will complete the programming with workshops, sports but also education on hygiene, reproductive health, family planning and so on. This way they will safe to dream and learn how they can make well educated decisions about their future.
The featured picture was made in the Senya community with our volunteers